Manado (06/11), Teguh Eko Budiarto (CEO of became one of the speakers of Temu Responden BI held at the Fourpoints Hotel, Manado, North Sulawesi. As both a businessman specifying in technology and CEO of an AI company, he spoke about “the role of digital transformation in the industry 4.0”.
He believes that the power of AI technology and data augmentation is the key to digital transformation. The industrial revolution drive changes in consumer characteristics as well as business processes, micro-businesses are no exception. Small businesses need to shift conventional ways in order to survive the industrial revolution and prevent irrelevancy. One of the solutions is utilizing artificial intelligence and mastering the power of big data, adjusting it to the needs of each business.
The participants of the event derive from corporate leaders to retail business owners, traditional traders, regional civil services, etc. As the name suggests, Temu Responden BI aims to give appreciation to its respondents who have taken Bank Indonesia’s annual surveys. The data gathered from the survey will be used for assessment of the regional economy used as well as recommendations towards monetary policies, payment systems and macroprudential.